interviewer to conduct the interviews has many benefits, but it can be a costly investment. Additionally, scheduling interviews and the length of time each interview takes can be time-consuming. Make sure you know when conducting an interview is appropriate and when other data collection methods are a more appropriate alternative.Limited sample sizes. Due to the time and cost associated with IDIs, there are sample size limitations that you should consider when deciding
between IDIs and online surveys. Depending on your budget and the size of the overall population you are sampling, an IDI may or may not be the right fit.Online surveysWhat are the benefits?Profitability. Maintenance and monitoring are required during the data collection period. But compared to IDIs, the ability to capture more responses makes online employee email list surveys more profitable . Essentially, the hours spent per respondent decrease as the total number of respondents increases.Online surveys can save you time. Respondents can complete an online survey faster than if they had participated in an IDI. Also, identifying
a time that fits the interviewer's and respondent's schedule can be a problem. Online surveys allow flexibility and can be viewed at a time convenient to the respondent.The ability to capture a more representative sample of a larger population. If your company has 40,000 customers, interviewing all 40,000 would be like moving water with a pitchfork. With an online survey, you have the option of capturing responses from a more representative sample, or even the entire population.SEE ALSO: Conducting Brand Research: What Insight Should You Get?What are the disadvantages ?Need incentives. Depending on your situation, the audience you're trying to reach may not be friendly enough to take your